1) Can you tell us about your writing journey?
I started writing poems when I was in my early teens—hoping to convert them to song lyrics. This didn’t happen and my writing was set aside until I was nearly thirty. I started writing nonfiction successfully. Night of the Cossack is my first fiction work.
2) What is a Cossack (for those who have not read the book) and how did you come up with the title "Night of the Cossack"?
A Cossack would be called a mercenary soldier today. The word means “freeman”. The hired out to different authorities such as the tsar of Russia. They were taken over by the Russian army in the early 1900’s. The title, Night of the Cossack, came as a result of what happens in the first three chapters of the book. To fully answer this would give away a key part of the book.
3) What genre would you place "Night of the Cossack?"
Historical fiction—Young Adult although it has been read by those as young as ten and as old as 80.
4) I can see how you book would appeal to all ages, young adult to seniors. Did you plan for this?
The book is about my grandfather who died before I was born. I wrote the story for myself first and then for my children and grandchildren. I wasn’t writing to be published. My oldest son is forty-two and my youngest grandchild is two. It doesn’t surprise me that it covers a wide audience.
5) Do you have any books planned for the future?
I am writing a sequel. I also have some children’s books in the works.
Thank you Tom! Tom is offering a copy of "The Night of the Cossack" as a giveaway. Here is what you need to do:
1) You must be a follower or sign up as a new follower.
2) Leave a comment about YA books. Have you read any?
3) For an extra chance to win send a new follower my way and come back and tell me they signed up.
4) Leave an address where I can contact you if you win.
5) The contest ends June 15th, 2011.