Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Revisions! Revisions!

A few days ago I wrote about an article that I submitted to Georgia Backroads entitled "The Sheriff Shoots the Deputy." I was very excited about this article and was waiting to hear from the editor to see if he wanted to publish it. When I did hear from the editor, he had several suggestions for revisions in the article. To say the least I was quite disappointed. I have written for Georgia Backroads for many years and have had many articles published. I have never been asked to revise an article until now. After the disappointment my first thoughts were to just forget about this article. When the disappointment wore off I knew that I wanted to rewrite the article with hopes that it would then be published.

I sat about looking at the changes that my editor suggested and incorporated them into the revision. After I was finished I submitted the article again. I have heard back from my editor who told me that he has not had time to look over the article thoroughly but that he could tell I had spent a lot of effort in re writing the article. When he gets a chance he's going to look at it further. I check my e-mail daily to see if he has written anything yet. I have not heard from him at this time but I will be sure and let you know when I do.

I'm glad that I decided to go ahead and rewrite the article. I know that this will help me in writing my book. I'm sure there'll be many requests for revisions or rewrites. I have heard many times that a writer needs a tough skin to be able to take rejections or be willing to change things in hopes of a better book. The bottom line is to never give up and to keep writing. As I have said, this is a butterfly journey and I am still in the cocoon stage. I hope you will travel with me during this journey. Happy reading!

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