Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"Leaving Yesterday"

I have just finished reading the book that I previously posted about, "Leaving Yesterday." This is an excellent book and very well written. It is about a mother who has lost one son to a violent death and has another son who is lost in the drug world. The death of the son affected the whole family. While it led his brother into the world of drugs it caused dissension between the mother and father which led to their separation. The mother is trying her best to keep Her world together for her young daughter who is 10 years old.

In the meantime she has been giving talks to other parents who are going through the grief of losing a child. She knows that she is helpful to others but yet she feels like a hypocrite while she is still struggling with her own grief. During this time her son calls her and tells her that he is in rehab which brings her great happiness and hope. Then a detective comes and wants to question her son about the murder of a drug dealer.

When the mother finds out that her son has played a part in the death of the drug dealer she is torn between destroying evidence that would implicate him in the murder. She struggles greatly with wanting to be a good Christian and yet at the same time wanting to protect her child. This is something I believe every mother has had to deal with in one way or another.

I don't want to give away the ending because I would love for you to read this book and find out the ending for yourself. I hope that you will read this book for yourself and see exactly what I'm talking about when I say this is a well written book and very realistic. Katie Cushman will be in Cartersville on October 19 at the Open Door Christian Bookstore from 12 to 1:30 PM. She will be in Marietta on the 19th from three to 5 PM at the Sweet Spirit Christian Bookstore. Her last stop of the day will be in Calhoun at Jacobs Well at 7 PM.

I'm really excited because I plan to attend the book signing in Cartersville. Of course, while I am there I will have to stop by Cracker Barrel for lunch. Once again I encourage you to read this book I really think it's something that you will enjoy. As always, Happy Reading!

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